course builder

Create Online Courses

Get Started Within Minutes

Creating online courses with the Chairman's Academy LMS is straightforward. Build your courses by choosing from the exams you have created and the materials you have uploaded. Once selected, you can re-arrange these items in the way you want your learners to view them.

Upload Existing Content

Building courses online starts with uploading learning content you have. This can include: Word and Excel documents, PDFs, PowerPoints, Videos and much more.

Create Exams

Create various tests and quizzes that can be used in any of your courses. Simply drag-and-drop the exams into your courses to add them.

Add Users

Invite your users to begin taking their courses. Add users individually, in bulk, or allow them to self-enrol into courses.

Course Features

Build Courses Your way

Chairman's Academy course software comes with a variety of features that make your courses work the way you want.

Annotate Course Material

You can easily annotate all the documents that you upload into Chairman's Academy for your learners to see. Once a user takes a course, they can privately annotate the documents as well as print them off.

Award Course Certificates

You can easily annotate all the documents that you upload into Chairman's Academy for your learners to see. Once a user takes a course, they can privately annotate the documents as well as print them off.

Duplicate Courses

Easily duplicate a course and make adjustments while keeping the original unchanged. This way, you have both versions of your course ready to be assigned to different users.

Active / Inactive Courses

Make a course active to give your users access to the material, or make a course inactive when you are updating it so that users won't have access.

Developing Online Courses

Tips and Considerations

When creating a course online, you should develop a course plan. You want your learners to take something away from the course, so make sure you are building it right.

Create Course Paths and Goals

After you've set these goals, you should create content to achieve them. Make sure you consider how you want to pace the course and present learners with an intuitive layout.

Create Quality Content

Sometimes, less is more ‐ make sure to focus on quality over quantity. Also, mix it up for your learners and create various delivery methods for your content. This could include videos, handouts, PowerPoints and other methods.


Write Clear Instructions

Give guidance to your learners and let them know what key learning points they should take away. With Chairman's Academy course creation software, you can annotate instructions on your documents so that your users know what to look for.